Arthroflex-Plus contains highly potent active ingredients that helps to maintain strong bones and joints, elasticity of body tissues, restores optimal levels of Joint lubrication, rebuild cartilages, and provide ultimate support for healthy bones. If you suffer from acute joint pain in the hands, knees, back or any other area, you could seriously benefit from using Arthroflex Plus. These amazing capsules provide a variety of benefits to your joint health. They repair and rebuild cartilage, increase bone density, boost joint flexibility and mobility, may decrease stiffness, and may reduce inflammation and protect joint tissue. The intense pain caused by your arthritis and joint pain will be gone with these Glucosamine infused supplements.
AGING AND BONE TISSUE (Loss of calcium and other minerals from bone matrix)
This loss usually begins after age thirty in females, accelerates generally around forty-fifty as levels of estrogens decreases, and continues, until as much as thirty percent of the calcium in bone is lost by age seventy, in males, calcium loss typically does not begin until after age sixty.
The loss of calcium from bone is one of the problems in a condition called osteoporosis
The second principal effect of aging on the skeletal system results from a decrease in the rate of protein synthesis. This cause a decreased ability to produce the organic portion of the bone matrix, mainly collagen, which normally gives bone its tensile strength, the loss of tensile strength causes the bone to become very brittle and susceptible to the fracture, in some elderly people protein synthesis slows, impart, because activity of human growth hormone decreases.
Knee joint is the most vulnerable to damage, due to the stress to which it’s subjected and because there is no interlocking of the articulating bones, reinforcement is strictly by ligaments and tendons.
Arthroflex-Plus is an effective supplement for both men and women!
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